Saturday 5 November 2011

Product Shot: Old England

For my studio session where I would be taking photographs of an Old England watch I needed this equipment:

2x Bowens Gemini 750w
1x Matthews C stands with sandbag
1x Tripod
1x Nikon D90
1x Macro Lens
I really like this image because I feel that the composition works well. I like that part of the watch is out of shot, leaving enough room on the side of the picture for text. (above)

I like this one because the font isn't at an angle and that you can see part of the chain. (above)

I decided to move the watch across to the left of the camera but I feel that I cut too much of the watch out of the shot.

I then went on to edit these 6 images in Photoshop to see what effects I liked and what I could use on my final piece.

This photograph has had the vibrance and saturation made higher.
Here I altered the colour balance and made the cyan, magenta and blue higher. I also made the contrast higher too.
I only altered the saturation and contrast in this photograph.
For this image I made the contrast a lot higher, made the gamma a little higher and exposed it slightly.
On this photo I have used the colour balance tool and made the cyan and blue higher. I have also lowered the saturation and made the contrast higher too.
I used the black and white tool to lower the saturation and to make the yellow and red colour balance. I also made the contrast higher to make the watch face stand out more.

On all of the above images I had to use the spot healing brush tool to get rid of flecks of dust and tiny scratches.

What I will do next: I intend to chose an image from the 6 above and apply my favourite effect to it. I will need to use the spot healing brush tool a lot more than what I did in these above images.

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