Saturday, 5 November 2011

Studio Lighting

Rembrandt Lighting

Rembrandt lighting is achieved by using a light and a reflector. The main characteristic of Rembrandt lighting is that there is an illuminated triangle on the cheek of the subject.

Here is an example of Rembrandt lighting:

Here are the photographs we took in the studio trying to emulate Rembrandt lighting:

The photo we had taken of Hayley didn't work as well as the others as there is not a triangle under her right eye.

Hollywood Lighting

Hollywood lighting is an old style of lighting which was used for actors and actresses portraits. It was used at a time when contrast and tone was considered important. To achieve this, the main light is approximately 90 degrees from the camera.

Butterfly Lighting

Butterfly lighting gets its name from the shadow created under the nose which looks like a butterfly flying, shown below.

Here are our shots from the studio:

Side Lighting

For this lighting effect, the lights are placed on to the side of the subject. It creates a dramatic shadow on one side of the subjects face.

Broad Light

In broad lighting, the side of the subjects face which is turned towards the camera is lit.

Here is an example of both broad and short lighting:

And here are our shots from the studio -

Broad Lighting

Short Lighting:

Short lighting highlights all of the facial features. If a reflector was used, this would be a much more flattering outcome.

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